About Dollarama

Dollarama is proud of its company history. Today we are the country’s largest dollar store chain.

Below are a few key milestones in our company’s growth.

Salim Rossy opens his first S. Rossy Inc. store on Craig Street in Montreal, Quebec.

1920s and 30s
Salim’s 10 children become involved in the business and its operations gradually expand.

Salim’s son, George Rossy, succeeds his father as president and transitions the model to a variety store similar in nature to the Woolworth chain. He leads the Company until his death in 1973.

George’s son, Larry Rossy, assumes leadership of the Company. The chain has 20 stores. Between 1973 and 1992, Larry Rossy grows the S. Rossy Inc. network to 44 stores.

The first Dollarama store opens in April, 1992 in Matane, Quebec with all items offered for $1. The company grows the store base by converting existing Rossy stores to the Dollarama concept and opening new locations. The company opens its first store outside Quebec – in Grand Falls, New Brunswick.

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